Saturday, July 4, 2009


I'm am super thankful to live in such a GREAT country! We are so blessed and many times are blinded to how lucky we are to live in this nation! Remember today that FREEDOM is never really free! Many have sacrificed themselves to pay for us to be FREE!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I know everyone is talking about the "news"! From Jon & Kate, Sanford, Farrah, Ed Mchanon, Jackson and Billy Mays! My heart is heavy only because all of the news serves as a reminder!

First, I'm reminded that we are all human and all miss the mark and fall short of what God requires which is perfection! Thankfully, Jesus gave himself up for us so we could be seen blameless and pure in God's sight! It's very unfortunate that so many people have to hurt because of bad choices.

Second, I'm reminded that we are ALL terminally ill. We do not know how much time we have left so we need to live each day in light of eternity! There is more to this life than just living and dying.