Thursday, April 9, 2009

Oprah the other day

Oprah was talking about motherhood the other day on her show. It was actually a really good show that featured moms making "confessions" about motherhood. I know many times I want to seem like I have it all together so people can say "WOW. Look at everything she can handle! Amazing!" I know it's sad but true! So........ Here are a few "confessions"

  • I have actually gone a couple of days without taking a shower b/c I didn't have time in the morning and I was TOOO TIRED after the kids went to sleep!
  • I have forgot to brush my teeth.
  • I have put the kids to bed @ 6pm (bedtime is 7:30pm) b/c I couldn't take anymore.
  • If you have seen the preview for "In the Motherhood", I have done exactly what that mom did. Yelled really loud upstairs to Elijah and Abi to "BE QUIET OR YOU ARE GOING TO WAKE UP THE BABY!!!!!" When I saw the preview I was laughing hysterically!
  • I have put Abi's hair in a pony tail b/c I didn't feel like getting the knots out.
Okay. You get the point. I'm sure I could come up with lots more but these were just on the top of my head! Being a mom is the hardest job that is never ending! It definitely has plenty of rewards and is the best job on earth but there are days when I just don't feel like it.


Casey said...

You have an excuse! I only have one and I have done almost all of those! I don't know how you do it with 4 children but you are doing an amazing job!

The Noy Maker said...

No. I did all of these when I only had 1 also! So, you're normal.

Unknown said...

we could literally be the same person.

Cristine said...

Been there, done that...too. And I only have 1!

Mandy Devine said...

Saw the show...loved it! So glad to know I'm more normal than I thought. There are days I feel like I've really lost it :)