Monday, April 6, 2009


Okay. First, I'm feeling accomplished! (For the first time since Moses was born a month ago!) We are finally, ALL OF US, healthy, happy and back to normal! I did 5 loads of laundry, school with the kids, and day 1 of P90X! WOW! I do not LOVE P90X, if I'm being honest, but I know it works! So, transformation in process!


Unknown said...

Yeah, in the beginning, it was a love/hate relationship. You'll grow to love it, and you know it! hahah LOL!

The Noy Maker said...

I don't know Demi. I did it after Joseph (until I got prego again!) and hated it every time! I know it works that's why I'm sticking to it but to me even the warm up SUCKS! So, for now I have the love/hate relationship. We'll see what happens. BTW, talked to the Joser and I will be becoming a coach in the near future! Yippee. Can't believe it took me this long. Seriously, I've been using BB programs since 2002 (after Elijah)!

Unknown said...

It's going to come! I remember even the warmups for me were like a workout. Give your body to adjust, and you won't even be sore anymore..well not as bad as in the beginning :). People are going to be looking up to you like crazy now that you are a coach now too (no pressure, haha!) but don't feel like you gotta be perfect by any means. If you need a break, you need a break. Sleep is always more important than a workout, especially if you are breastfeeding, and the fact you just had a child you is still so young. Give yourself alot of grace, and soon you'll be looking forward to Tony's encouraging words, :).