Friday, April 10, 2009


Have you ever got mad at your husband b/c you were expecting him to do something and it wasn't done? Then when he asks "What's wrong?" You are furiously cleaning and say "Nothing!" but you want him to keep pushing the issue until he "gets it out of you"? AND if he doesn't you get even more mad b/c he should have known that your "NOTHING!!!" really meant you were upset and something was wrong so he should have known to keep asking right?!

I'm guilty of the above on more than one occasion and reading it to myself it sounds hilarious and crazy at the same time! I can't be the only one who has done that can I?

I titled this post talk b/c one of the most important aspects of a marriage in communication! A while back, after being married for several years, I thought, "Is Jose really supposed to know what I'm thinking all the time?" Then I thought why don't I just tell him what's wrong the first time he asks????? Why don't I just go to him when something upsets me and tell him what's on my mind instead of acting mad until he tries to figure out what's wrong with me and wait for him to ask the "what's wrong" question??? Wouldn't that be easier and take less time? Don't let things fester and allow resentment and bitterness to stir in your heart. If you have an issue TALK about it before it becomes an even bigger issue.

Share your thoughts, feelings, dreams, expectations, desires and needs with your mate! Side Note: If you set unrealistic expectations you will be disappointed!

Just a random thought.


Nicole said...

Hey Jessie, It is me, Nicole from the boards!! I did this exact same thing last night, started a conversation with the hubby about me getting back into shape; expecting him to be roll his eyes or laugh or something(!!) and he said, "that's fine!; I'll support you" UGH!

I am enjoying your blog, will put it in my faves now! HUGS, Nicole