Thursday, April 2, 2009

What's in a Blog??

Okay. So, I know I'm slow! I'm starting a blog. (Jose would be proud I've done this much by myself!) I've decided to start this blog for two reasons. 1) To share all of the craziness that goes on in our house! How can it NOT be crazy with four children right?! 2) To hold myself accountable during my P90X journey (starting Monday April 6th)! So, now that I've explained, post #1 is done ;-)


Cristine said...

Excited to follow up on your adventures! :)
- Cristine

Renee said...

Wow! How Fun! I'll be right here to cheer you on my friend! Can't wait to hear more about the Noy adventures. You make me want to start posting again:) Check out the Lewis blog at
Sarah and Kyndall have blogs of their own but you can only access them from mine. If I know someone is reading I'll post more often!!
Your family is Beautiful!!

Unknown said...

Love that your blogging!!

Saw your comment on my blog-so funny! It's so true though, I am very close to being psycho when I don't sleep..and in those early days, yeesh..well, I don't have to explain that to you since you've done it way more than I have, LOL! You know what else is true as well, (this might be TMI for some people, especially guys..this is your warning) is that when "that time of the month comes" your hormone levels drop and go out of whack and mess with your sleep for a couple days. I've discovered that to be so true for me! Thank goodness it's just a couple days a month!