Sunday, April 26, 2009


When you think about your body what's the first thing that comes to your mind?...Is it different than what you thought 1 yr ago or even 5 yrs ago or 10 yrs ago? My view of my body now is totally different than it was yrs ago! Honestly, my view was severely distorted! It actually, consumed me! I spent so much time thinking I could never be skinny enough or pretty enough! I saw everything on myself as an imperfection! Something so small that no one would noticed seemed sooo gigantic to me. So, what changed you ask??? I got the message! No, it wasn't an audible voice from GOD! But, what is was, was so perfect and clear God was speaking to me!.....My daughter was in preschool several years ago and during one of their craft times she made a magnet. It wasn't just any magnet. It had a message. It simply said "I am wonderfully made!" From Psalm 139. When she brought that home and I saw it, I immediately felt like it was made just for me! It was like the truth was finally penetrating me to the core! I had a revelation that every time I was looking at myself in a bad way or complaining about myself I was insulting the creator! WOW! I never saw it that way before. It was at that moment for the first time in my life I was in awe about me. The God of the universe who created EVERYTHING made ME exactly how he wanted me! How dare me criticize the creation. He made you to just as you are. Just as He wanted! YOU are WONDERFULLY made!


Unknown said...

hey girl, saw your comment on my blog. First off-did you get your business cards yet? I go through TONS of them, and I'll place them in businesses throughout town if they'll let me :). Alot of people don't know about this whole "coaching" atmosphere when they purchase P90x, so it gets frustrating. You almost have to talk about it alot, and keep saying that you have a website to order from so they can get YOU as a free coach. Say it alot. Like, all the time. LOL. Soon, people will know in Charlotte-you are the person to go to. :)

Mandy Devine said...

Preach it Sister! This is the truth that seriously set me free. The discovery of my identity in Christ - I thank God for it everyday!! BTW, the scripture verses on my blog come from the book that led to my freedom in Christ..."Victory Over the Darkness" by Neil Anderson. I HIGHLY recommend reading it if you want to go even deeper regarding your identity. I've read it 6 or 7 times and grow more every time. Keith & I are doing a small group on it now.

The Noy Maker said...

Mandy-HELLO! I just saw your comment today...I seriously need blogger help! I read "Victory Over the Darkness" yrs ago. It was amazing. Maybe I should read it again. I don't know if you were at the women's retreat 2 yrs ago, but I shared my testimony about overcoming issues with body image. The Lord has truly done a work in that area of my life!