Monday, May 4, 2009


Okay everyone, here they are! Moses is officially 2 months old today! How fitting my 30 day pics are today! First, I need to say sorry for the quality! Jose is out of town but I promised to get these up so this was the best I could do for now! I'll get him to take better ones on Friday!

130 lbs
waist 31
hips 39.5
DAY 30
124.5 lbs
waist 28
hips 37.5

I feel so much stronger in just 30 days! Can't wait to see what happens in the next 60 days! I still have a ways to go but I'm getting there! If I can do this, you can to! Make yourself and your health a priority!


Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! You totally deserve this, you worked so amazingly hard..I can't see how this wouldn't inspire anyone, especially mommas!! SO, so proud of you!! :) You look AMAZING!!!

Faith | Family | Fitness said...

You look AWESOME!! Your hard work is evident and I can't wait to see your "rippedness" in the next 30 days!!

Oh- your family is beautiful by the way :o)

Faith | Family | Fitness said...

You look awesome and your progress is amazing! By the way, you are one lovely pregnant lady!