Sunday, May 10, 2009

P90X update

So........last wk I was out of town at my Grandma's house. I would give myself 3 out of 4*. I ate chicken and rice one meal. Then I felt like crap! I was still able to keep my w/o routine. Both= success for me b/c usually when I go out of town everything goes out the window. I eat whatever and do not work out. So, right now I'm patting myself on the back=). Well, lets talk about when I came home =(....Friday, I did not work out or eat well. Saturday, crazy day including a graduation party which = bad eating and no work out. Sunday, mom's day! Can you say blooming onion, bread, and creamy potato soup!???! Oh, and no work out! Monday, new day...including great eating and great workout. Tuesday, puking my guts and feeling nauseated pretty much all day... No, it's NOT MORNING SICKNESS ;-) and no, I didn't work out. So, here I am and it's Wednesday! Feeling great and starting fresh with eating right and work out coming soon! It really is amazing how much better you feel when you eat right and exercise! The weekend without exercise left me feeling drained and dragging! Just because I had a bad few days does not mean I'm giving up! We all have crazy times and bad days. The important thing is not to get stuck there! So many times when people have a bad couple of days they let it turn into another bad couple days and then a week of bad days etc. We have to choose to make the next day new with better choices! Don't give up!