Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Christine Caine (Part 2)...

that should really probably be part 1!

SO MUCH to say about such an AMAZING woman of GOD!

But, to start, I heard of Christine Caine a few months ago when a few of the leaders from Seacoast's women's ministry came back from hearing her and they were SO passionate about what they experienced while hearing her in Florida! The leaders were on FIRE and created and implemented a local summer outreach called Summer2Serve! It was a true blessing not only for the women who participated but also for us who volunteered! All that to say, that was the ONLY thing I knew of Christine Caine. I never heard her speak. I never heard her story. I never heard about her ministry until this past weekend.

WOWZERS! Her speaking ability incredibly engaging! Her story, in her words, she was unwanted at birth and was given a number instead of a name and then suffered years of abuse. BUT! BUT! BUT! Praise God that is not the END! The Lord transformed her life in unbelievable ways and she is living proof that our God is BIGGER than ANY circumstance we started out in! Finally, her ministry! My heart was broken! My eyes were completely opened to a whole different world I can't comprehend existing today!

Four years ago Christine's eyes were opened to the tragedy taking place around the world! HUMAN TRAFFICKING! I saw the movie Taken and I've heard of it before but I thought it just involved a few people! I was SO WRONG!

Here are the CRAZY stats:
  • Trafficking in women is the second largest global organized crime today, generating approximately US$12 billion a year.[2]
  • There are 1.39 million victims of commercial sexual servitude worldwide.[3]
  • Over 25 percent of sex trafficked victims are trafficked from Southern and Eastern Europe.[4]
  • 90% of victims trafficked into EU member states end up in the sex industry.[5]
  • There is an estimated 20,000 women and girls trafficked into the Greek sex industry, earning Greece the title: "the center of trafficking in Europe."[6]
  • One study reveals that one in every 10 Ukrainian persons knows someone in their community who has been trafficked.[7]
  • Tragically, only 1-2 percent of victims are rescued, and only 1 in 100,000 Europeans involved in trafficking are convicted.[8]
When I was sitting in the audience hearing what IS going on, my immediate thought was my precious baby girl! I thought, what if my precious child was trapped in this industry? I would most definitely do anything and everything I could to get her back and get her safe because she is my daughter! There are MILLIONS suffering daily in this horrific darkness and they need to be rescued and redeemed! We CAN do something! We MUST do something! This past weekend Christine spoke at Seacoast and she shared the story of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). She said when we hear these stories and get emotional that is NOT compassion! Too many times we confuse empathy and apathy with compassion! She said compassion is what the good Samaritan did. He saw the hurting man and he crossed the street to help! Compassion was an ACTION!

Christine and her husband started The A21 Campaign ! They are putting into action what Jesus calls us to do! Here you can find 21 ways to get involved or help! All of us can do at least 1 on list of 21! They are making a difference in THIS vapor of life that is/will have an impact on thousands if not more!


Hilary Surratt said...

I really enjoyed hearing Christine this weekend and on Monday night! Thanks for sharing all the stats, I should have taken more notes! :)