Monday, August 9, 2010

First Day!

Well...Today was our 1st day of school! I can not believe we are starting our 3rd year homeschooling! CRRRAAAZZZY! I'm amazed everyday at what God has done in our lives and in our family! If you don't know our homeschool story, you can read it (short version) here. Trust me when I say we were NEVER going to homeschool because "those people are weird"! LOL! plan has been, (I made a great "schedule" with the help of Managers of Their Homes) to wake up at 5:30AM to have quiet time, exercise, shower, brew and drink coffee, all before the children wake up. So you ask..."How did you do today?"....I FAILED!!!!! I woke up at 7AM (but I do get bonus points because the kids were still sleeping) and I had quiet time. NO exercise, NO shower, NO coffee was brewed or drank before the children woke up at 7:30 BUT at least I got the most important thing accomplished:-)

After everyone woke up and got dressed I made the kids take "First day of school pictures". I decided to start a new tradition this year and made tiny posters that had the date, grade, height, and weight written on them. I'm planning to take me picture at the end of the year to see the change. Here are a couple of our pictures.

Our day started with the kids favorite place to eat...

Then we got home and got to work ;-)
Here are a few pics from the rest of the day.

It was really a great day!


Christie said...

Hooray! Good Job Jess!