Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Baby Signing Time

With my older two children I never used sign language and just "guessed" what each wanted by the moaning and groaning! When I was getting curriculum for the kids last year, I bought Baby Signing Time, Learn to Sign 1 & 2 to try with Joseph. When he was about 10 months old (you can start sooner) we just kept signing everything (everything that we knew). Eventually, he picked up on it! Now, he is able to communicate! He knows more signs but I couldn't get him to "perform" (lol) all of them for the video! (I promise I'm not a stage mom!) I really didn't know this type of thing existed before! A friend told me to look up the creator of Baby Signing Time's story...It was very moving and inspiring. If you want to read it click here! If you are looking for something to do with a baby, I would highly recommend any of the Signing Time products!


Lindsay said...

so cute! He does really good! I did the signing with Jude and Roman- love it love it love it!! Jude just got please a month ago- hats my favorite!!