Thursday, June 11, 2009


Since I have nothing on my "To Do List" besides the laundry and have a hundred loads to do, I figured I would write a post about how I do my laundry! [I know, my life is sooo interesting;-) ]

The before...

1. I divide/separate! (I LOVE this part!) For some weird reason it's actually fulfilling to make different groups that match! I know I have issues. Save the emails;-) I prefer to divide into darks, whites, lights, and towels.

2. Go get all hangers and match them up in the laundry room! Except wire ones! I can't stand wire hangers which is a problem b/c Jose frequents the dry cleaners so we have a bajillion wire hangers! (If you have a great use for them let me know!)

3. Get the detergent ready! We go through a LOT of detergent so these are ones I got B1G1 and had coupons for! However, I am planning on saving us lots more money b/c when these are gone I'm going to "copy" my friend Tia and make my own! Can't wait! (Click on her name so you can see how.)

4. The next step is business as usual! Put in, wash, and dry!

5. When the first load is dry pull out and put into basket, then put washed load in dryer, then start hanging shirts & dresses and making piles for each family member! Keep repeating this step OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER about 15-20 times and then you'll be done and too tired to put away any of the laundry so, everyone's "closet" is the laundry room! Hip Hip Horray. Mission accomplished =)


Renee said...

Fun Post!! Okay, so I don't have as much laundry as you do...however this is one of my least favorite chores. So by the time I get around to doing it I have around 9 loads.
However it does get better with time. Now that my girls are 8 and 12 here is our routine.

Each bedroom has a large basket in the closet for clothes only. One for towels and another for whites located in the laundry room. My kids know dirty clothes go in their basket, towels they take to the laundry room along with whites.

So towels and whites already sorted and all we have to sort is lights and darks. Sarah washes her and kyndalls clothes and moves them to the dryer, Kyndall takes them out and imediately puts them on the bed of the person they belong to. we only use plastic hangers and they have a container they put them in as soon as they take an item off to wear. so never any bare hangers in the girls closets. They put away their own clothes..this was hard for me at first because I am OCD and like long sleeve with long sleeve, tshirts with tshirts, short with short, you get the picture.

I wash Mark and mine and put them away.
Sarah and Kyndall do towels whenever the basket gets full. This is where I have to pray about my OCD. I taught my girls to fold and put away towels...Kyndall never gets them folded and turned the same way...however I have learned to not ever redo them because she notices and will call me out on it. So if a child thinks you will not be pleased with their best effort they quit trying!! So I close my eyes when I reach for a towel and pretend they are all neatly stacked.

Funny thing is Mark does the white clothes. I absolutely hate folding whites and have been known to leave them in the dryer for days.

You my friend are doing a fantastic job with all that laundry...I would hire a neighborhood teenager to do it!!

Mandy Santos said...

i just have to say that i'm a little jealous that you have a laundry "room". we have the washer/dryer stacker combo sitting in a closet in our apt- i can't even put a basket on top of it. So it get tripped on in the hallway all day long. One of these days I'll get one again! :)

The Noy Maker said...

Renee- I like your style! Way to work those loads;-) I actually do have the older 2 put away the stuff that goes in their drawers so that's a big plus! Counting the days they wash/dry/put away their own! Not too far off though I'm going to train them early so they can truly appreciate all that mom does for them!

Mandy-Maybe what you have is what I need. I would have NO choice but to do a load or two a day. If I would only do that now I'm sure my laundry would not be so crazy! By the way, CONGRATULATIONS! So awesome for you guys! Going from 2-3 was way easier that 1-2 so hopefully it will be a breeze! I see your doing the X! Let me know if you need anything or have questions. I became an independent Beachbody coach. You can sign up for free on my website:)
Looks like South Bay is going awesome!

Cristine said...

I must confess what I admired the most about your post was not the laundry routine, but the first phrase you wrote on it: "Since I have nothing on my "To Do List" besides the laundry"! I don't think my to do list is ever finished and I only have 1. :)
Anyways, I enjoyed helping you guys with this when you only had two kids, imagine with 4! It's definately a mission for an entire day! :)